Meet Our Pastor

Dr. Michael Simmons

Senior Pastor

Welcome to Caraleigh Baptist Church.

It is my pleasure to welcome you to our website and to tell you something of who we are and what we are all about.
We are a small Southern Baptist church composed mainly of senior adults who are big in their love for Christ and who have a strong desire to live out the Gospel through personal commitment, worship, ministry, and fellowship. We believe that Jesus teaches us to go out into all of the world and make disciples of all people which we seek to do through sharing our personal faith with others and giving to mission causes around the world. We are traditional in our approach to worship and enjoy singing the older hymns of the church. We base our teaching and preaching on the Bible which we consider to be God's word to us. Through our weekly Sunday School, Sunday Morning Worship, and Thursday Morning Bible Study, we seek to grow closer to the Lord and to one another. Presently, we conduct all of our activities in the morning hours so that our members can have family time in the evenings.
If you are looking for a church where you can worship and feel loved, I invite you to come and see what we are all about and to join us in worship and Bible study. I can assure you that you will feel welcome when you arrive and know that you are surrounded by those who are happy to see you and who love the Lord. I will look forward to seeing you when you arrive.
- Pastor Michael Simmons