Our History

Caraleigh Baptist Church

was officially founded on Thursday, June 2, 1904. Prior to that time it had been a mission sponsored by Fayetteville Street Baptist Church and Tabernacle Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC. John T. Pullen, J. Melville Broughton, and N.B. Broughton were deacons of those churches who supported the Caraleigh Mission as it met in different homes from time to time. A need for a permanent building was recognized and John T. Pullen said "get me the land, and I'll get you the building!" The cotton mill (around which the Caraleigh Community was built and where most of the residents worked at that time) furnished the land, and true to his word in that building for 20 years before they began to think toward building a new, larger church, and in 1922 fund raising began. In 1924 the new church building was completed. The new building was located 4 blocks from the old site "in a more central location" within the community, at what is now 1400 Green Street, still the current home of Caraleigh Baptist Church. Changes to the building were added between 1952 and 1954, but no other external changes have been made since then.
The church served as the religious and social hub of the Caraleigh Community for many years. As the younger folks moved away from the community in the 1990s, a decline in membership changed the focus of the church away from being family oriented to being more senior adult oriented. The church remains active in community issues and is a place of refuge for those seeking spiritual renewal and encouragement. As the Caraleigh Community is experiencing a revival, Caraleigh Baptist Church is also seeking a revival. The doors are open to those searching for a Christian spiritual home where they are welcomed unconditionally, to those who are seeking a close knit Christ centered community where

love is felt and practiced.